So, after I finish this post, I'm off to mail my application to graduate school. I am nervous because there's this little voice in my head telling me I did all this work for nothing. I also get very excited because the prospect of me getting my master's in something that fills me with such happiness is an amazing thought. I will be competing with probably hundreds of applicants and they only choose 2. And it's not like I could even wait one more year, no folks, they only accept 2 every 2 years. So it's a stiff competition to say the least. some of you may be thinking (all 2 of you that read this) "why didn't you apply to any other schools?". Well the answer to that is that I am applying to other schools, but this one application, this is THE school I want to go to. Anyway, there's nothing funny about this post except for the fact that I studied SO long for the GRE and I'm pretty sure they skewed the diagnostic test so that you just THINK the studying helped, when in reality, I was really that smart to begin with. those fuckers. Think happy thoughts for me and my application.

Thank you Turbo, can I rub your mullet for good luck? or perhaps your 'stache?
Um, since when am I called Kiki? are you cheating on me wet cat?!
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