Monday, December 19, 2005

Monday's Musings

I wish people in my hometown would get brains. when it's snowing like 3 snowflakes a minute you don't need to drive 25 miles an hour on a freeway onramp. no, trust me on this, you don't.

For those of you (all 2 of you) that read this, things are better with the gentleman that I refer to in this post. We have decided to move past things and start anew and I must admit that I don't think that up until this point in life I've ever had to deal with something I needed to "forgive and forget" so to speak. There is great power for healing in that and I appreciate it more now.

White coffee tastes like nuts (the edible ones.....oh well shit)

I'm very worried about Danny, I think he doesn't think I care, but I do.

I could use a hug right now.

Ok I think that's it.


miss kristen said...

A kindred spirit, you are. Do you live in a winter state, or was this a fluke? I'm in Utah, and you would think that they know how to drive here, but alas, they don't. Every year it's the same thing.

HST said...

Oh well it was sort of a fluke in my hometown, but the town i live in now has snow all the time, and they are not much better!

Joe said...

White coffee tastes like nuts? Hmm. Never knew that.

Joe said...

Didn't know about the existence of white coffee, for that matter.

Lulu said...

Come here! Let's press our breasticles together!

HST said...

OH lulu! I'm sure we'd have much more power if we joined breasticle forces!

Lulu said...

We could be The Breasticle Broads!

HST said...

Oh my god, do we get superhero costumes? YES! we do. I mean my nipple isn't as pointy but my breasticles do have a good reputation.

Lulu said...

Oh, totally. What are Breasticle Broads with no costumes?

I vote for something in black with a nice leather braid.

HST said...

hmm, i'm partial to purple. can it be made out of vinyl?

Lulu said...

That works for me too, I'm totally into all those unbreathable fabrics. :)

HST said...

well it just makes it more fun cause of all the sweat:)