Saturday, December 31, 2005

OMG Clothes!

So, I may be spending some buyer's remorse time at the mall tomorrow. I just bought a shit-ton of clothes and spent a shit-ton of money. In my defense they were all on sale and I love clothes so I actually saved money and made myself happy? Ok, I was really trying there. Among my purchases:

Just so you know it looks way hotter in person. Maybe when I wear it I'll try out my new toy (Digital Camera) and post the actual thing. hehe, I'm a clothes freak!


Joe said...

I'm pretty sure I need to see pictures of you wearing this. Not want, mind you: need.

HST said...

I'll get right on that sir...

Joe said...

Now that's the kind of response I like to see.


Lulu said...

Nice, I'm officially jealous of your new purchase. We must see.

HST said...

You got it lulu.

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