Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Some downer posts lately

Ok, so there have been some downer posts lately, I'd like to lighten it up by saying that I don't understand why this town can't cope with the snow. I mean people, it only happens like EVERY DAMN YEAR! You'd think they'd learn to drive/walk/shovel/snowblow/notfallontheirasses. but no such luck. They will remain idiots and I will still sigh and shake my head. I mean come on people! I'm from a place that doesn't even get snow and I can deal! BUCK UP!


Joe said...

You know, I wasn't implying that you should cheer up. I just didn't have anything to say and wanted you to know I was reading.

Where do you live anyway?

HST said...

Oh I know, I decided to post that after attempting to park and get to work. Idiots I tell you!

I live in Eastern Washington state. But I'm originally from the desert part of washington so the snow is a treat....or something.

P.S. I'm glad you read:)