Saturday, January 21, 2006

Playing simultaneously While I get ready this morning...

In my Bathroom: Techno from the "Blade" soundtrack

In my Bedroom: The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

That's right, I am awesome. And apparently schizo.


Tiekoot said...

I've done the task you asked of me. Now go read my blog!

Anonymous said...

I just saw a segment on AFV where they were showing various ways people proposed. My favorite was the extremely hirsute man who shaved the words "marry me" into his furry back. So his indecent proposal consisted of removing his shirt and saying read between the fur.
What up cuz?

HST said...

Hair is gross. Please see my waxing habit below:)
Glad you came by lady!

Anonymous said...

I left the hair comment and I'm no lady but I have been called a metrosexual.

HST said...

Oh! I'm terribly sorry. when you said "what's up cuz?" i assumed you were my female cousin, she stops by occasionally. Please accept my apologies.......a metro sexual huh? are you hot?

Anonymous said...

I am you Hemale cousin. I don't know about hot, medium spicy maybe.

HST said...

I was unaware I had a hemale cousin.......