Monday, January 16, 2006

welcome to my gallery opening..

Ever since getting my digital camera I've been taking pictures non-stop and I think I've done some pretty cool stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong. Or if I'm right you should boost my ego.


Joe said...

I like that coffee clock... thing. Is there a larger version of that?

HST said...

thanks. you're hot.

Lulu said...

Lovely lantern...

HST said...

why thank you my darling. I could say the same of your boobs:) It's a lamp in my room and when I was lying in bed taking practice pictures something about it just spoke to me:)

Nick said...

That guy on the bottom has really shiny skin. Scary shiny.

He's freaking me out.

HST said...

have you ever thought that maybe you're freaking him out? Chew on that nick.

*thanks for stopping by though:)