Monday, January 23, 2006

What's a girl to do?

I found a job I want. It pays more money and it would be similar to what I do now, only more desk time and less class time. I'm going to apply because what could that hurt really? But should it be offered to me I'm not sure what I'll do. I know I know, why on earth am I thinking of that now, when I haven't even applied? well....I need sufficient time to think of whether I would take it or not. I really do love what I do, but I have management that leaves A LOT to be desired. It's amazing what a difference management makes. I'm also starting to get bored with this job. I don't know if it's because I teach the same classes over and over again or if I'm just bored with banking. Who knows, but I do know that this job sounds enticing and I sort of want it. Plus the extra money, but that's not a concrete reason to leave a job. It would be nice to get my debt paid off sooner though...........someone decide for me and tell me what to do.


Lulu said...

Go to the interview with every intention to take the job and knock their socks off. And if they want the position, take it. More money and a new challenge is worth it if you don't absolutely love what you're doing now.

Joe said...

So are you leaving sex therapy, or getting back into sex therapy?

HST said...

Oh I can still do freelance therapy on the side.