Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Play by Play

For those of you that don't know (probably all of you cause I haven't said anything about it yet) I am traveling for work this week and I am in a little old place called Salem, Or. You may have heard of it, it's the capital. Anyway, I'm here for the whole week and tonight I was feeling very "independant, complete adult, responsible for myself, time to think, self discovery" so I walked out of the front door of my hotel and went for a little adventure walk. Salem is a cute little town. I could definately live here. On my walk I found myself sort of magnetized towards a used bookstore. "The Book Bin", it was a great little place. It smelled of books. I found the "drama" section like I usually do and was mesmerized for amost a half hour. They have the hugest and most diverse selection of plays I've seen in a long time. Places like "Borders" and "Barnes and Noble" carry a very small selection, and only well known plays. I left the book bin with the following selections (thanks a lot mom for giving me your psychotic love for books):

Cloud 9 ~Caryl Churchill~
Steaming ~Nell Dunn~
The Firebugs ~Max Frisch~
Buried Child ~Sam Shepard~
The Darker Face of the Earth ~Rita Dove~

Now to get reading..........we'll see if any make the list.


Melancholy Trollop said...

I'm not worthy........(smile) Thanks

Joe said...

Those are all plays? I don't think I've heard of any of them.

HST said...

that's just how cool i am......

ptg said...

Let me know what you think of Buried that a long time ago...

Chris said...

If there is a heaven it will be filled with books.