Friday, April 14, 2006

I scream, you scream, we all scream

Number of days in a row I have eaten Ice Cream for breakfast: 2


Adams Avenue said...

The past two days my breakfast consisted of diet coke and coffee.

I wanna live in your world. Well . . . at least for breakfast.

HST said...

You're more than welcome in my world Frankie. I don't know that my body would agree with you. Turns out Ice Cream isn't the most nutritious and energy packed breaky...........huh.

Ren said...

From a Public Health perspective... Nah, forget it. You're not ready to listen, and I'm not ready to preach.

HST said...

I can listen just fine Lab boy. I may have had ice cream for breakfast but I had chicken for dinner. so stuff it.

Dirty Bunny said...

Sounds like my kind of breakfast.

Ren said...

The chicken?

Chris said...

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I have not even tried ice cream, yet. What flavor is best for breakfast?

Dirty Bunny said...

Ben and Jerry's Dave Matthew's Magic Brownie is the best for breakfast. It's the only way I'll ever get a piece of Dave.

HST said...

labbie: your mouth.

I find that mint chocolate chip from breyers is the most delish for breakfast.

DB: I'm partial to one sweet whirled.