Saturday, April 08, 2006

Weekend Update

Only I'm not nearly as hot as Jimmy Fallon.

Here's what has happened since my last post (In no particular order):

Drove 2 hours to my parents house

Visited a friend that almost died in the hospital a few days ago

Thanked my lucky stars he's still around, I love him

Went to my favorite candy shop at home and had a delicious haystack

Met my brother's new girlfriend and her sons

Actually liked her (bonus!)

Got coffee with my mom

Was outraged by Washington's Pharmacy Board

Got more pissed cause I can't attend the next Pharmacy Board meeting

Called an old crush to talk, left a message

Texted an old crush that I really miss

Felt sexy

Actually agreed with my roommate for the first time in a while

Got totally fired up for her

Stayed up way too late talking to a possible date

Confirmed that I have a place to stay for at least the first 2 nights of my roadtrip this summer

Burned bacon at my parents house

I'm really sure I could think of more here, but to be honest I'd rather go do something with the family. Hope everyone has a nice weekend:)


Chris said...

The whole Jimmy Fallon thing is in the eye of the beholder I am sure.

Glad you are having a great weekend.

Please keep us updated on the whole Washington Pharmacy Board deal.

Joe said...

I'm with Chris. Are you sure on the Jimmy Fallon thing? The two of you aren't really on the same scale.

Also, yay for feeling sexy!

Adams Avenue said...

You got fired up for your roommate? That's pretty hot.

Girl - you need to stop calling your long lost crushes. Start finding new ones. Start focusing on you, sweetheart. The more confidence you have focused on yourself, the less you will look to others to feel better about yourself.

It's easy once you get started.

HST said...

Thanks Frankie: believe it or not I do have a fair amount of self esteem (or self love if you know what I mean) I have a hard time getting over these particular crushes, but I am moving forward albeit slowly.....the security guard gave me his number!