Disclaimer: I don't give a shit if you smoke. I won't say anything to you about it. I am expressing my concern for these children.
WHAT THE HELL?! I just saw the SECOND woman in 2 weeks outside smoking while pregnant. I am really disturbed by this trend. Are these women idiots and have not seen the surgeon general's warnings about this everywhere?
Or more likely have they seen it and they just don't give a shit because their nic-fit takes priority over their child's health?
They can make whatever choices they want, but how many of these women will be "woe is me, my child has asthma/was a premie/insert health problem here" in a couple of years and people will feel really sorry for them, when they could have prevented it.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Is your addiction really more important than your child?
Thrown down by
2:35 PM
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Word. :)
No shit, Sherlock. You won't get any arguments from me.
I had a co-worker who smoked throughout her pregnancy. When her child was born he came out a little googley-eyed, and I was all like "daaayyyuuum, that's what you get girl!"
There is a large portion of the population that only care about themselves. Sad, but true.
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