Saturday, May 20, 2006

What the hell are you trying to pull?

Before work today I was flipping channels and I have no idea what channel I was on but it was some Disney-esque "movie of the week" type deal. This hot-ass model-type latino boy is sitting with a girl that looks like this:

They are listening to some latin music and watching some latin dancers when this conversation ensues:

Disney-esque Girl: Do you know how to dance like that?

Hot-ass Model-type guy: Yes

DG: It's really amazing

HMG: What kind of music do you listen to?

DG: Uhhhmm, the kind on the radio?

HMG: You're kind of geeky aren't you?

DG: Yes, I guess so.

HMG: That's ok, I like that in a girl (devilish smile)

Just so we're all clear here, Geekiness IS attractive but there is NO geek girl that looks like that.

Geek girl is more along the lines of THIS:

Glad we're all caught up.


Melancholy Trollop said...

Yeah, Disney stuff is mostly from some alternate universe.

Anonymous said...

Isn't geek more a state of mind? Who knows? She could have a raging Call of Duty addiction and the world's second largest collection web browser plugins.

HST said...

Yeah thanks for that. How many geeks do you know that look remotely like that?! Girls like that are too busy being prom queen to get in any LARPing.