I flew to Oregon yesterday and I sat behind a man that for some unknown reason could not stop coughing. This was of course promptly after he put his seat back so far I could see his forehead and had nothing to rest my cup of water on save his head. great......
The plane was making it's way from where I live in Eastern Washington across Oregon and down to California. He was a California passenger and when those of us headed for Oregon deplaned, they all had to stay on the plane for some type of headcount. As I was waiting do deplane a woman turned around (whom I am assuming was his daughter) and started making some generally irritating pointless conversation because she has ADD or something and can't sit on a plane when it's not moving. Frankly, I don't really care. When she finished, the man I assume is her father that is sitting in front of me proclaims with the sound of much authority:
"Wow, there's a whole lot of Washington that's just really worthless, huh?"
Ok. I'll be the first to say that I make fun of people ALL. THE. TIME. I'm usually starting with myself. Joe makes fun of California quite a bit, much to LuLu's chagrin. And I could say all the dumbass crap I want about Wisconsin. But I would NEVER say it was worthless. I wanted to beat that guy all across his bald head.
"You know all that land that you were referring to as worthless sir? Well, we GROW CROPS ON IT! The next time you eat an apple, or potatoes (we grow more than Idaho btw) or some bread that's made out of wheat, or a lentil (Pullman, WA is home of the lentil festival, I kid you not) you just think about all that WORTHLESS land that made it possible."
But I didn't say that, I just bit my tongue and got off the plane like a normal person. I hope he chokes on the next worthless Washington apple he eats.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Who you calling worthless?!
Thrown down by
6:54 AM
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It's nice to see that Washington has a fan club. If anyone were to say the same thing about my state I'd probably get on the defensive too.
DOn't worry about him, he's just angry because he's bald.
He must be one of those people who has nothing useful or intelligent to say, so he fills up his pointless existence with speaking negative gobbledy gook. Yes, that's right, I said, "gobbledy gook."
The Lentil Festival. That's awesome. I want to go to that.
You should've used his head for a cup holder.
I agree with Joe - shouldve used his head for a cup holder, and then "mistakenly" spilled the cup on him.
Here in Texas we just shoot people like that.
What the Holy Hell??!!! Did you know there are also people who don't even know there's a state called Washington only Wash. DC?? "We're here, there's steer, so get used to us."
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