Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What's gonna happen when I go out of town for a week?!

I flew to Portland on monday for a one day meeting. Just ONE DAY. I flew out at 7Am and flew back in at 6Pm and I was met at the airport by Security Boy with these:

I am SPOILED! This could lead to me getting a very big head....


Tiekoot said...

Wow! wish I had a man that bought me Palmolive.

Anonymous said...

Dammit, Nympho! You stole my joke.

Will said...

Nympho is a joke stealing ass!

Anonymous said...

How sweet, flowers and liquid dish soap. Sounds like the perfect man to me.

HST said...

Nympho IS a joke stealing ass, but damnit if she's not a good one!

Laura: he does seem to be the perfect man actually, I'm waiting anxiously for the tragic flaw.....

Melancholy Trollop said...

A person can NEVER get too many flowers.

Mark said...

Waiting for the flaw will lead to you finding one. Why not just enjoy him for who and what he is?

"I am SPOILED! This could lead to me getting a very big head...."

Well as long it leads to him getting very big head too...

HST said...

Mark: I can always count on you to remind me of when to sit back and relax.......and also talk about penises..

Mark said...

I'm here for you.