Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How about a Hail Mary?

For the last couple days someone from my old university has been logging onto my blog. (thank god for sitemeter!) I figured one time was a coincidence, but 3 times? They're totally RETURNING. It's not like it's a huge deal that someone from my old school would check my blog, it's just that it's not that HUGE of a school and it makes me wonder who the HEEZY it is. I'd like to THINK it's one of the Seahawks, cause they are having their spring training there right now. (they do every year) But my luck says it will be some guy I saw at a party once and is stalking me to prove his love......

HEY YOU! Mysterious EWU dude! Email me and tell me who you are! NUT UP. Sometimes you gotta punt.


Einsteinium said...

Me play football, you are teh hotness.

No really, I'm just at the jazz camp. Don't freak out or anything.

Camp Motto: "We're the Jazziest!"

HST said...

DAMNIT I should have known.I didn't even think about that. This one time.......at jazz camp...

Einsteinium said...

During one of our sax masterclasses, one of the other faculty members said "You know, the sax is a really cool instrument." I couldn't help but laugh.

I'm sure you're jealous that you're not hanging out on the ol' campus, living in Morrison, eating at Baldy's... Surprised that I'm surviving it, frankly.

HST said...

did you tell him you have some awesome "sex quartet recordings" to give him? you should have.

Einsteinium said...

actually, it's a she and yes, I was aboot to mention it to her...

btw: you quick responses show me that the TPS reports are going well... ;-)

HST said...

We're putting covers on all of them now.

what are you doing this weekend?

Einsteinium said...

wow... so many responses... I'll avoid any kind of flagrant "your mom" references and say camp's over early Sat evening, then no plans (Brewsfest cancelled on Milonga, bastards). Time for covert ops?

HST said...

hmmm if by covert ops you mean "lame-asses like us finding something to do on a saturday night" yes.

Rob Newman said...

Hey! just be gald it wasn't the guy who wanted to "fukok your basets"!

Melancholy Trollop said...

Frickin LOL Boob Tester!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site!
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