Monday, September 04, 2006


I'm feeling conflicted about this to be honest. I feel very sad for his family and also for lots of animals because he really was an activist as well as being a crocodile hunter.

On the other hand:

I think that once you have a family you should be responsible to take better care of yourself so you'll be around for them to grow up. He was taking his life in his hands everytime he was jumping around with crocodiles and stingrays.

Don't get me wrong I am very sad that he is gone, he was a source of adventure and entertainment for the world for many years, but I feel so badly for his children and imagine they might be a little angry when they get older because they won't get to know him as they grow.

Thanks Dad for not getting killed by a stingray.


Einsteinium said...

Most Aussies I've talked to were pretty miffed that Irwan became a national icon, as it only fueled the stereotype that they are all crazy crocodile people who say things like "Crikey!" all the time. I'm curious to hear their reactions now, however.

My take on it: not a tragedy, not unexpected, but nevertheless sad. And it seems he was big into conservation, which could use a few more high profile advocates in these times.

Girl Next Door said...

I am sad because seldomly does an activist get so much press...

But I laughed when I heard.

I am going to hell. You can find me by the lemonade stand.

Melancholy Trollop said...

"Let's stick our hand up his bum and really piss him off." I swear that's what I hear in my head when I think of the Crocodile Hunter. I am only surprised that it didn't happen earlier.

Anonymous said...

I was sad to hear about it but not surprised. Well, surprised it was due to a stingray (which I can say from first hand experience is a pretty docile creature) and not a croc or extremely poisonous snake (which I also know are very dangerous from first hand experience).

By the way, tag, you're it.

Anonymous said...

I was sad to hear about it but not surprised. Well, surprised it was due to a stingray (which I can say from first hand experience is a pretty docile creature) and not a croc or extremely poisonous snake (which I also know are very dangerous from first hand experience).

By the way, tag, you're it.

Ren said...

Then again, I'd rather wish my dad would go doing what he is passionate about than old and inmobile in his bed. It's not about me... It's about his passion. Again, it's just me.

HST said...

There is a difference between doing what you are passionate about and pissing off stingray's until they kill you. I think you might feel differently if your dad wasn't around for you to ask him WHAT he was passionate about.

HST said...

There is a difference between doing what you are passionate about and pissing off stingray's until they kill you. I think you might feel differently if your dad wasn't around for you to ask him WHAT he was passionate about.

Melancholy Trollop said...

Crikey, I've been stung by a stingray.

Rob Newman said...

Saddest thing is that Stingrays hardly ever attack anything other than in self defence... and despite his reputation, Steve wasn't doing anything this time to annoy it. And as if that wasn't enough to deal with, if he was stung in the leg, he may have gotten away with it... He was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time... A barb the size of a kitchen knife going straight into your heart would do most people in!

Guess it's a damn fine example of Irony...