While watching my roomie pour a glass of wine I was reminded of something I discovered on my California vacation that shocked, stunned and amazed me.
I know what you're saying to yourself. "Big deal HST, so it's a shelf full of booze, what's your point? Look below and please note the shelf label:
SAFEWAY!! You can get liquor at Safeway* in California people! I'm sure that for those of you that live in California or California-like states this is no big deal, but let me assure you that here in good old Washington state we don't have willy nilly access to booze in grocery stores. We have state liquor stores.
That close at 9 pm.
California is looking better all the time people....
*for those of you in places with no Safeway's, it's a grocery store like Kroger,the A&P , Piggly Wiggly,or Albertson's.
Wait... are you kidding me? I ALWAYS forget to check liquor laws. Washington State, you have let me down.
Well, "over here" in the jolly nice UK, we can get booze, including the good stuff and spirits (which sounds much more fun that "Liquor"!) at ANY supermarket! And most supermarkets are 24 hours...
And of course pubs (Bars) can now legally stay open and serve alcohol 24 hours...
And they wonder why us Brits have alcohol problems?!
yeah "24" hour stores are 24 hours Mon-Fri. How stupid is that? they are regular hours on weekends. And not all pubs are 24 hours most still only stay open till 11 or 12. So don't be fooled by mr. boob tester people!!
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice that same bottle of liquor here would cost right around $10...HOLY SHIT! I'd need to work 6 jobs in California!
Lulu: Washington state lets me down on a regular basis, I feel you.
Boob Tester: yeah well everyone's life would be better living in england i'm sure.
Nympho: yeah well everyone's life would be better living in the USA I'm sure.
DB: Keep in mind this is in the BAY AREA, it is not indicative of ALL of california...
I guess in Washington State they feel that we need supervision and control because we're too stupid to govern ourselves.
Nah, DB. That's for the Absolute. How do I know this? I just sprung for a bottle of it at good ole walmart.
Hi... my names Kaia... Im randomly searching blogs when im supposed to be doing classwork... but anyway, Out of all those freaking supermarkets... the only one in S. Florida is Albertsons... if not for them, i could still be clueless...
P.S.... My addy for my blog could be wrong. If you want to contact me, email me at; Lovely_Lady_Succubus@hotmail.com
The booze in the Safeway isn't what shoks me as much as the $40 price tag!!
Here in WI all liquor sales stop at 9, but that is driven by the tavern league so you have to go to a bar if you want a drink after 9.
Pretty clever actually
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