Have you ever had one of those vacations where you didn't want to go back home but it wasn't because you had to go back to work; it was because you could honestly see yourself just staying where you were and living the life you'd been dabbling in for the last few days? Well...I'll just say I'm lucky my dad taught me responsibility as a child because there was a few moments last weekend that I honestly thought about not getting on a plane home and just starting a brand new life in the San Francisco Bay area.
But I didn't. I came home to Eastern Washington like a good girl and resumed my normal life which has at the moment led me on a business trip to Vancouver, Wa. I'm using my unclaimed hotel time to get all this down for the sheer entertainment value to all of you.
Friday I flew down to Oakland, California and was picked up by the Theology Guy at the airport. He cleared his whole Friday schedule for me and I must say I felt like a very happy girl. (let's face it. He's a hip, hip dude in a hip, hip city. Clearing his schedule meant he probably couldn't attend like 3 different hippie rallies or something. I was honored!) Friday night was a walk in a nearby suburb (that my Aunt and Uncle live in, where I was staying), Dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen (I um, LOVE that place now) and seeing "Little Miss Sunshine" at the late show. GO SEE IT. I laughed so hard I almost peed... Then again, I laughed pretty hard all night. What can I say, the dude makes me laugh. What made me laugh most about the entire evening however was this little exchange:
Theology Guy and I are sitting down to dinner and~
Tony the Waiter: Hey, I don't even know you two yet, but I've already got a question for you. How are you guys doing tonight?
Theology Guy: Uh, doing good
Me: Um, great. I'm great thanks.
Tony: Awesome, take your time I'll be right back with water.
Theology Guy and I share a look.
Me: Did he really just say that outloud?
TG: That was the best line ever, I'm using that someday.
blah blah blah some time passes, we are drinking wine because we are winos (see further down in story) Tony approaches the table next to us with a pizza.
Tony: Alright, I brought the Yummy!
Me: Did you just hear that?!
Theology Guy: no, what?
Me: That waiter just said he "brought the yummy" to that table. What the hell does that mean?
Theology Guy: Yeah I hope he brings us the yummy soon.
Me: Just so you know TG, I always bring the yummy. I AM the yummy.
I'm not gonna bore you with the rest of this ridiculous waiter commentary but suffice it to say that the Theology Guy and I had a great laugh at the antics of Tony the Waiter. Thanks Tony. You're GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!
Friday night the Theology Guy dropped me off at "Chez Relatives" and I planted a kiss on him but made it quick because I was extremely nervous. (it all ends up good I promise. read on)
I pretty much did a whole lot of nothing. It was PERFECT. Vacation is not always about lots of things going on every minute. Sometimes vacation is about being lazy and just being somewhere other than home. My cousin and I went for a coffee and bagel outing and then I spent the rest of the day chatting with my uncle while he gardened. PERFECT.
We all piled in the car around 10 am to head to Napa for wine tasting. Scenery, wine tasting and a 6 year old. GOOD TIMES. Truthfully though, Napa Valley is GORGEOUS. We ended up hitting 5 wineries in all even though we only tasted at 4 of them
Artesa had the most incredible views I've ever seen:
Domaine Chandon makes one DELICIOUS champagne. They also have a very unique entry way:
Sequoia Grove made a great cabernet and was a fun little rustic atmosphere:
(The faces were hidden to protect the Non-Bloggers.)
Niebaum Coppola charges 25 dollars to get onto the grounds so I have no pictures to show you. SORRY CHARLIE.
Cosentino had the winner of the day. I bought a bottle of their zinfandel but I'm not a freak enough to have taken a picture so you'll just have to imagine it.
We had a lovely dinner at a fantastic Napa Valley bistro and then took wine soaked naps all the way home. It was a LOVELY day. That night I was fortunate enough to meet up with a college friend in San Francisco for some sushi. The Theology Guy offered to drive me and I took him up on his generous offer. I took advantage of our ride into the city to clear my own mind about the friday night kiss. I (very bravely in my opinion) asked if it was perhaps innapropriate that I kissed him. I didn't want to be that girl that kisses a guy that has since started dating someone you know?
As it turns out he was being a gentleman. He didn't want to assume anything seeing as how I was only in town for the weekend and considering that I live in Washington and he in California. He didn't know if I was seeing anyone or if perhaps that was assuming a lot.
I informed him that I was not seeing anyone and he assured me he was also not seeing anyone and that it was not innapropriate and was totally fine.
Because I am not COMPLETELY the loudmouth that everyone expects of me I shall leave you with this. When he dropped me off we shared a VERY VERY nice kiss (and perhaps some hand wandering...) and I was sort of sad to get out of the car. I suppose that whenever I get back to the Bay Area someday and if we are both single, I won't hesitate to plant one on him again;)
Oh. This picture has nothing to do with my vacation. I found it on my camera when I was taking off pictures and I just think I look coy and fabulous. So yeah Enjoy I guess.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Pop the Cork
Thrown down by
11:14 PM
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Fuck dude. I hate you and your sexy ass little coy face! OK I dont hate you I am just extremely jealous of your good looks.
"I always bring the yummy. I AM the yummy."
That pretty much sums you up, doesn't it?
And nice pics--great to hear you flying somewhere to actually have a good time. Not that banking isn't fun.
Nympho~ how can you be jealous of my good looks?! you look JUST LIKE ME......dork.
BEL~ Yes, that pretty much does sum me up, that's my new motto:)
"I am the yummy"
Doesn't that translate to "this is your queue to do me on the table. . . ? "
"Wine soaked naps" in the car kinda sounds like everyone should have been wearing Depends or stopped at the gas station a few times. (I couldn't help myself)
Frankie~ no comment ;-)
MT~ proudly, no one wet their pants, it was a good day all around.:)
I am the yummy...
I am sooooo stealing that baby!
Theology Guy? Fill me in...
Juicy~ you are more than welcome to steal it. I think it is brilliant, just like you.
Labbie~Did you not follow the links?! They tell the whole story, I promise....
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