While I was on hiatus** I did several things. One of which was to get my eyes checked. There are several reasons one might get their eyes checked:
*Can't read your emails
*Can't read the dry erase board at the back of the room
*Can't tell the guys you're checking out are total goats; Literally
*Can't tell you just ran over that woman with a walker
*Can't admit to making a terrible football call and you happen to be a ref
None of these are the reason I went though.
I went because I cannot remember the last time I had my eyes checked and I have insurance and it's important to know you have healthy eyes and why not?!
My eyes are fine. But I have to tell you it was the first time I'd ever had them dialated and holy crap that is fun and horribly irritating at the same time. I felt like a vampire because my pupils were so big and my eyes are such a dark brown anyway that you couldn't even really see the brown ring:
The last two weekends people watched me play. I got to be on stage acting for the first time in almost 3 years. It was awesome. It was thrilling. It was slightly terrifying. I have been directing or doing make-up for shows for so long that I almost forgot what it was like to create a character. Getting to "know" a character probably seems like hippy crap for a good population of the world, but for theatre people it just seems normal. When you "wear" a character or "put them on" for long enough you really start to get to know them. What they would say to certain questions or do in certain situations. It's one of the reasons I love theatre so much. After all was said and done and we had put the costumes away in storage for use in a future production and we had shut down the lights to the stage holding the world we had lived in for 8 weeks, we had a party. I'm not going to even attempt an explanation:

While I was clearing my camera of pictures I found some random old pictures that I hadn't cleared yet. Here's a picture from my halloween costume. I went with "Jack the ripper victim". I cropped out my face cause I'm making a spazzy face (see above) and I really only wanted you to see the corset and how it made my body look GOOD.

Oh and I found this picture that I have no idea why I took. Seriously I wracked my brain and I cannot for the life of me remember. That's not the point. The point is:
I'm a badass.

**Hiatus from blogging, not from anything else. I've actually been damn busy!
Love the corset! Good for you getting your eyes checked; don't want to end up like Grandpa Bill.
The Air-in-Eye thing IS freaky... But last time I went they had changed it for a new Plastic-Pokey-Thing-in-Eye thingy. Just as bad really...
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