I got some shit to rant about:
~When someone looks like they are double parked *Except* their car is still on and they have their blinker going, it means they are trying to parallel park you ASSHOLE! Do not pull in nose first when they are obviously preparing to park there. It is not my fault that your sorry amateur ass did not find that space before me, nor is it my fault that you can't parallel park. How about you learn and stop taking other people's parking spaces you dick.
~Will someone please for the LOVE OF GOD tell me why my laptop through no apparent circumstances will just refuse to start up because it's "missing some file" when I haven't even started it since yesterday and all I did was take it to the starbucks? I really fail to see how moving the laptop from my home to starbucks would affect the software. WHAT THE FUCK!?
~Next time I say to you "oh yeah I'm really pumped to go camping, we're gonna have some burgers and drink a bunch of beers and I'm so excited, blah blah blah" please remind me of the fact that getting drunk in the woods is fun, but being hungover after 4 hours of sleep in a tent that is currently 400 degrees and you have to pee and you're on your period and the bathroom is like a quarter mile away in the house that your former college professor is sleeping in.....K thanks.
Single Non-Rant moment:
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Pull up a chair Jackass...
Thrown down by
7:10 PM
Ways to describe this drivel: camping, chivalry, Memorial Day Weekend
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Oh the joys of camping in a tent on a hot day! NOT. I'm glad you survived and din't get ate (I realize that's improper grammar) by a bear.
I'm one of those pathetic people who will walk five extra blocks if I have to, just to avoid having to parallel park. However, I would not be so flippin' rude as to take the space of someone who can obviously manuevre a car better than me. Those people should be respected!!!
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