Friday, September 21, 2007

Re-Magnetized: Part Deux

Ok, here is the follow up to that post from last night.

*No, I was not exhausted FROM the guy I got picked up by. I re-read my post and realized I sounded like a huge ho.

*No, I wasn't trying to be cutesy and explain a tow truck adventure or anything, I really did get picked up by a guy on the freeway.

*Yes, while driving.

*No, he wasn't creepy or weird or like an axe murderer. Actually, very sweet and CUTE!

*Yes, I will give you the whole story below. (I just wanted to give the quick run down for those that think I ramble. Oh and by the way for those of you that think I ramble.....EFF OFF:)

I found out on Monday that I would be coming to California to teach a 2 day class, Thursday and Friday. Needless to say I was scrambling about trying to get everything taken care of. Canceling friday night plans, rescheduling appointment with specialist about my watery head on Thursday and booking travel arrangements for my trip. Where I am at in California is only about an hours drive away from my aunt and uncle (the ones that live in wine country) so I figured it would be a nice thing if I could go visit them, even if only for an evening.

After much deliberation I decided to take the smaller, more windy but more direct highway to get me there (and thank god I did). I was nearing the last quarter or so of my trip on said highway when (we shall call him "Freeway Dave") pulled up beside me. As is my usual routine I look to see who's next to me and he happens to be cute and smiling at me so I smile back. "Cute guy" I think. He keeps pulling up next to me, and waving and smiling and winking at me and I'm starting to blush of all the attention (but don't get me wrong, I'm LOVING IT). He motions to his left hand asking if I'm married, I show him my hand, I'm not. He smiles, a BIG smile. I search frantically for a pen to write my number on a piece of paper. Nothing, I had cleaned out my purse for travel. DAMNIT. I hold up my phone and shake it, he does the same. He wants my number, so I do the only thing I know to do.....I start telling him on my fingers. I start getting a little worried around the "9" because I need to take both hands off the wheel, but he seems to get all of them pretty good and I am waiting for that phone to ring. It doesn't. He pulls up next to me and motions for me to get over and I think to myself: "Either he's going to axe murder me, or something awesome is going to happen".

I'm still here, so you know he didn't axe murder me.

I pull over, and he comes to my window and says "Hi, I'm Dave, what's your name?"
"Well HST, you are just SO cute! I want to make sure I have this number right?"
"Oh yeah just missing the last digit, it's zero. But way to get the rest of it, I'm impressed."
"I aim, to please. So where you headed?"
"To the Bay to meet my aunt and uncle for dinner, you?"
"To work, I work nights. Where are you from? With that area code, that's what? Modesto?"
"*laugh* nope, it's Eastern Washington.........the STATE."
"Oh, that's too bad, but perhaps you'll be down this way again soon?"
"Oh sure, I visit when I can and work here you should definitely call."
"I will make sure to do that, HST. Oh man, you are just SO CUTE! Have a great night"

And with that he got in his car and we both took off. He texted me a couple times asking when I was headed back to WA and if I had time to go out tonight before my flight. Unfortunately I have to drive an hour plus to get to the airport I flew into so it was a no go, but we talked for about an hour last night and he wished me a goodnight and agreed to call and wake me in the morning (the hotel radio alarm was kind of shifty to be honest). My phone rang this morning and he told me to have a great day and he'd hopefully talk to me later.

I have NO idea what will happen. More than likely: nothing. But what fun! What an adventure! Not to mention an INCREDIBLE ego boost exactly when I needed it...

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