Tuesday, October 09, 2007

If you can't beat 'em, pretend to join 'em

I am completely disgusted by a new tactic that the pro-life movement has used to essentially trick people into making christian faith-based decisions about unplanned pregnancy.

A Pro-Life group here at home has recently opened a clinic in my old college town and are calling it "IChoice". The name "IChoice" somehow indicates that they are possibly in alignment with the pro-choice movement. They are not.

I have never had any desire to tell someone that is pro-life that they are wrong, or that they should change their mind. It is their mind, they may do as they wish. HOWEVER, I find it egregious for a group like this to couch their agenda in a mysterious term like "IChoice". I believe they purposely chose this name to attract folks that may not align with the pro-life movement but are looking for complete, factual information and options about family planning. I can almost guarantee you they will not be offering complete, factual information about family planning. I realize that there is nothing to be done about this. They chose a business name for their clinic and are well within their rights. No amount of protesting will do anything to make this clinic change its name. I just hope that there is enough information to go around that small little college town, so that women do not get lured into a "choice" that isn't the one for them.


lillipilli said...

deceptive, not good.

Party Girl said...

Very well said.