Friday, November 30, 2007

Who publishess this crap?!

This is exactly what the world needs.

A news story that tells our kids to start fucking YOUNGER.

JESUS CHRIST this culture is dumb. happy unplanned pregnancy and STI's!


Einsteinium said...

This kind of highlights some of the problems with scientific reporting. Half way through the article they say "Rather, they note in the study, there may be factors common to both the delay of sexual activity and the onset of sexual dysfunction -- for example, they write, '[M]en with sexual problems may avoid sexual interactions and consequently start later.'"--ie, there's no evidence of a cause and effect relationship here. But, of course, that's what they imply throughout.

Also, check out the "Most Viewed" articles on the side. ABC's hard-hitting journalistic action comes through again.

Party Girl said...

No verbal comment, just a lot of non-verbal ones. Such as, but not limited to: heavy sighs, eye-rolls, chewing on the inside of my cheek, and biting my tongue.

ptg said...

Ditto PG.