Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Ok, I'm only posting this picture because I want it to be my profile picture and i know no other way to make it so then to have a web address to refer to it. And apparently the web address I had was bunk. so um..............enjoy..............


Joe said...

Wasn't it working just fine before?

By the way, you can now delete this post and the image will stay online.

HST said...

really? I must be really dumb or something. damnit how come no one ever told me?

Girl Next Door said...

Me too.

Thanks for the link!

HST said...

good to know i'm not the only one ladies:0

Juicy, you're welcome!

Lulu said...

So. Not. Dumb.


HST said...

thanks lulu! you are a doll. oh and your pointy boob is starting to turn me on......damnit!

Lulu said...

It gets to everyone eventually.