Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm too much for even me

this is an audio post - click to play

This is me laughing at my previous 2 attempts at audio posts in the car on the way home from Mom and Dad's. Enjoy:)


Joe said...

Dammit. I've got three audio posts I want to hear, and I can't listen right now.

That's so teasy.

Joe said...

Ok, now I've listened.

You've gone mad, haven't you?

HST said...

its quite possible yes.

Joe said...

Not like that's a bad thing.

Lulu said...

Stop teasin Joe, HST. He likes it too much...

HST said...

he LOVES it that's why I do it!

Tiekoot said...

Is this the first audio documentation of the Richman snort? If so it could be worth thousands on EBay!