Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Vicodin and Quesadillas........on the rocks.

So, I decided it was about time to post again. It's been a while and for all of you 2 loyal readers I'll tell you, it hasn't been easy. The sex therapist has not been sitting on her ass eating bonbons I'll tell you that. I discovered yesterday some information that I don't think I was supposed to know about the last guy I dated (we're apparently attempting friendship now). It was pretty hurtful. Basically makes me look like I never existed in his life. He was hiding me apparently which doesn't make a girl feel very good and I had a little bit of a nervous breakdown. Ok kids, I'm alright now but yesterday I left work puking, went home, took vicodin, got really high and then slept and cried a whole bunch. Now, I know that to all you readers this may sound like the best time ever, but I'll assure you, it was not. It was actually pretty disheartening. Crying is nice when it gets the bad OUT, well this was the kind that just reminds you why you're crying and then makes you cry more cause you feel bad. So, Crying happened, which would normally give me a monster headache but BONUS! I was on Vicodin! No pain roomate noticed not only that I was high as a kite but that I had thrown everything off the kitchen table. (apparently while I was high I got a little angry and played "let's clear of the table" with a swift brush of my arm) good times. So, apparently after you've been puking all day and then taken vicodin, you get really hungry. Hence........Quesadillas. I LOVE QUESADILLAS. I ate myself a Quesadilla and then proceeded to flirt with the boy I want more than words can say....I talk about him Here.
I've been trying valiantly to get into his heart and pants in a slow sort of "move in as a friend" manner but all that went out the window last night and he DID flirt back which I think is a good sign. Now to get rid of the girlfriend..............


HST said...

I will take that under advisement my dear, I can always use your services.

HST said...

I'm just wondering why I should take relationship advice from a guy with a horrific mullet.......but actually you are pretty hot.

Joe said...

Ah, here's the story.

If you're interested in disposing of the girlfriend, I know all about improvised explosives.

HST said...

wow joe I really must say I appreciate your sharing...although I actually do want to go on and do something with my life, and guaranteed i'd either A)get caught and go to jail and be someone's bitch or B)Blow my own shit up. No good joe, just no good for my future.

Joe said...

I always try to get other people to play with explosives (so I don't have to). It never works out for me. People have this thing about prison.

merkley??? said...

mate stealing is my favorite sport.

HST said...

OH really merkley??? Got any tips?

Anonymous said...

My name is Robert Fraser and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vicodin.

I am 27 years old. Have been on Vicodin for 1 day now. Found a few pills. I'm currently not an addict though I have taken vicodin in the past and I am certainly playing with the devil because I do like the feeling it gives me. Biggest problem, besides the addiction, is Insomnia. Tossed and turned for two hours before I decided to research it.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Constipation and insomnia.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Robert Fraser