Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hip Hop Happy New Year

So, I actually went out. I mustered myself out of my funk and went out with some co workers. had some drinks, did some dancing and got some lovely new years hugs. no smooches this year but such is life. I made the mistake of stopping by the bar where the Sax player was playing for new years. I hid upstairs and I don't think he saw me. The band played great and I met cool people and we chatted but when the band took a break he walked over to his girlfriend and kissed her. This shouldn't be such a big deal but it tore me in half. I just kept thinking the same damn question that every girl asks herself when the boy ('scuse me, man) she wants has a girlfriend. "what does she have that I don't?" I realize this isn't healthy but it's reality and it haunted me all the way home. I won't say the other thoughts that were going through my head because they will make me look conceded and bitchy (I probably am, whatever). Suffice it to say that overall I had a good time, but not the best new year ever....


Lulu said...

You're right, you're better than her. ;)

HST said...

thanks lulu! you are a doll:)