Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm nowhere near PMS!

and yet I feel totally sad and irritated. I have a huge knot in my back, someone rub it out. And say something funny damnit! So I laugh.

I appreciate it.


Joe said...

Ok, ok, ok...

Two angels are about to start a round of golf.

The first angel is teeing up when the starter comes up on his little cart and says, "Hey, I'm gonna send this guy through with you, alright?"

The angels look at the guy the starter's pointing to. He's a slovenly old guy. His clothes don't fit, he's dropping his clubs, just clumsy.

But the angels... well, they're angels. "Sure! He can play with us, no problem!"

So the first angel takes his shot. It's a beautiful hit. 270 yards, middle of the fairway. Just perfect.

The second angel takes his shot and it's even better. 300 yards, laid up right in front of the green.

The old duffer steps up to take his shot. He flubs it. He just nicks the ball. The ball falls off the tee and rolls about six feet.

Then a squirrel runs out of the brush, grabs the ball and starts running down the fairway.

Then an eagle swoops down out of the sky and grabs the squirrel.

The squirrel drops the ball, which lands on the green and rolls into the cup.

The old duffer just stands there smiling.

The angels look at each other, look at the old duffer, look at each other, then look at the old duffer again.

Together they say, "Nice shot Boss."

HST said...

I love it. Thanks!

Roman said...

Nice one Joe! :)