Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I'm starting to get a complex...

I'm a little concerned that I've become known as "that girl that only has guys as friends for booty calls". I don't know how this happened, I actually have many guy friends that I have never slept with nor would I ever and I enjoy their company quite often without the slightest resentment. However, I still end up having conversations like this:

Me: So, Im coming to town for work next week. What kind of trouble we gonna get into?

Him: None I'm afraid, I'm seeing somebody. If it's not "worth" it to hang out with me just as friends I understand.

Me: What?! Are you high?! Of course it's worth it to me to hang out with you as a friend. I wasn't even thinking about that!

Him: Oh, you know you were.

Me: Uh, no actually I wasn't, I pretty much figured that was a one time thing. I was just thinking we could get dinner or something.

Him: Ok, well then maybe I was..........;-)

Upon further inspection of this conversation, I think perhaps I'm the girl that guys just have sex with but don't hang out with. Oh dear god........this can't be good.


Melancholy Trollop said...

Age old sexism; If a guy has casual sex he's normal but if a female does the same thing she's "easy", "a bitch", "not the kind of girl to marry" etc. etc. The woman with a brain and an opinion seems to be frightening to people.

HST said...

But see MT, that's not even the point, I know i'm frightening and not for those reasons........

Dirty Bunny said...

I've never been able to have sex without getting attached. I'm one of those creepy chicks like Gloria in Wedding Crashers.