Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Present for Juicy

In my *Robitussin haze last night I ran to the store to get some more kleenex, OJ, Airborne and Dayquill. I was also starving. Being sick makes me really not hungry, so generally I don't eat. I was walking through the fruit and produce section when something caught my eye. I don't know if it was the Robitussin or the fact that I hadn't eaten in a few days but these looked really delicious:

AND THEY ARE. Orange fruit twists made with real juice.
So there you go're made with real fruit juice and you are DELICIOUS!

* Robitussin Haze is my new band. We're playing at CBGB come check us out!


Joe said...

I want a Robitussin Haze t-shirt. They come in black, right?

Dirty Bunny said...

So, did you lick 'em until you were satisfied, or just devour them all at once-like?