Monday, May 29, 2006

For Labbie (and some other stuff)

They found my car. Whatever ASSES that stole it, dumped it at an apartment complex across town but not before stealing the battery and cutting my fuel line. I have to say that the scariest part of all this is how rageful I felt when I found out what they did to it. They didn't even steal anything out of the car itself. Total violation and destruction for NOTHING.

On the bright side

This is my rental car:

(This is the view from my front window. I'm much too lazy to go outside, and I'm still in pajamas)

Look Labbie! We're bosom Jeep buddies!

I might have to buy one of theses, seriously. They are the BUMPIEST mothers to drive but damnit if they aren't FUN as hell!

In other news, my insurance is once again THE BOMB. I only have to pay my deductible ($250) and they will take care of the rest. Getting my car fixed and driveable and the impounding charges. BONUS! Plus they put up with me crying on the phone for like a half hour.

Had another date with both the boys and although one went better than the other, overall.........

Life is Good.


Melancholy Trollop said...

Groovy wheels!

Dirty Bunny said...

Holy sheep shit, have I ever been behind on blogging. A lot has happened in just a couple of days.

I like the rental. I have a soft spot in my heart for Jeeps. And that color is one of my favs.

Ren said...

Life is hard, tough, and sometimes cruel... Jeeps are good. They are one of the bright spots in life, making it more bearable... They got our grandparents through WWII, and they can take us through the morning commute just as easily.

Einsteinium said...

Wow, sweet wheels. You (temporarily) are even cooler than I have previously stated. Although I bet you're jealous that it was just some stupid jerk that broke your car and not a freakin elk.

Einsteinium said...

Wow, sweet wheels. You (temporarily) are even cooler than I have previously stated. Although I bet you're jealous that it was just some stupid jerk that broke your car and not a freakin elk.

HST said...

yeah well, Elk are no match for my camry. But apparently asshole meth-heads are.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.