Tuesday, May 09, 2006

This will explain my letter from rehab

I had to fly to Southern Oregon today for work. That involves 2 planes from where I live. The first of the 2 was delayed, which means that by the time I got to that airport I barely had time to catch my connecting flight. I ate 2 pieces of leftover pizza for breakfast (yeah college throwback!) and didn't eat anything for lunch. Some coworkers and I are going out to dinner tonight so I didn't want to eat anything too big at around 2:30 when my second plane landed, I just came straight to the office. The problem now, is that I am devouring a box of cheez its that belongs to one of my coworkers, I'm not sure who. I think these crackers contain dangerous levels of meth, because I'm addicted, I can't put down the cheezy goodness.

Someone help me..........


Dirty Bunny said...

I've devoured an entire box of garlic parmesan cheez-its before. Frickin' yum.

Girl Next Door said...

Cheez-its are the bomb diggity

Anonymous said...

Do they have rehab for that?

HST said...

You'll notice how none of you actually took the box away, you just stand by and watch me get addicted.......nice:)

Adams Avenue said...

Cheez-it addiction is totally uncurable. Just like my addiction to chocolate.

I never really got into cheez-its. But I can devour a bag of cheetos.


Chris said...

The first box is free...

Melancholy Trollop said...

I am putting my vote in the CHEETOS category. The crunchy ones.