Thursday, June 22, 2006

This is the post where some of you maybe start hating me...

And I don't really care.


I will fully admit that I have only read about a chapter and a half of this site because I had to take a break to say what BULLSHIT it is. Life sucks sometimes. God didn't answer Neva Rogers prayers because sometimes you don't get what you want. Unfortunately, what she wanted was not to be killed by a 16 year old that was profoundly mentally fucked and was on a killing spree. People go nuts. It has nothing to do with God, or Grace or Prayer or Faith. They have mental problems, and unfortuately they have access to guns. I am very sad for any and all victims of any crimes, and of course school shootings, but don't use your weird bible-twisting to try to prove why God didn't save Neva Rogers even though she prayed.


Anonymous said...

Pfft. Why would someone hate you over this post?

Dirty Bunny said...

Yeah, what Joe said. I don't believe in divine intervention. It's a load of crap. I'm so tired of self righteous, hypocritical bible thumpers. Damn.

HST said...

well, religious wackos would hate me and I don't know everyone's religious affiliation....:)

Anonymous said...

The idea that God has a hand in anything is misplaced, in my opinion. People make choices, good or bad, and God has nothing to do with that. I read the story you linked to, if God really tried to save that woman's life by not letting the shotgun fire he could have just as easily kept the handgun from firing as well.

Anonymous said...

These pages are fascinating:

Understanding Delusion

Understanding Jesus

Understanding the Bible

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