Friday, June 23, 2006

When the Moon Hits Your Eye...

Security Boy and I realized lately that things have been moving really fast. Too fast. We both have things we need to think about, and even more so, he wants to figure out what he wants out of his life before he wants to be committed to someone. I'm sure there are those of you out there that think I'm a big old pussy for being ok with this. I don't care. I went through the same thing, it took me 3 years to figure out what I wanted and what kind of mate I wanted to be. I don't know if it will take him the same amount of time, but I'm willing to be around as his friend at the least to help him figure all this out. We had a tense couple of days but finally decided on some boundaries and I neither of us wants to date anyone else at the moment so things seem to be chugging along smoothly. We'll see where it goes, I think it's a good idea for us to step back, it was getting pretty heated up there..........

When I was a junior in college the music department and the theatre department joined together to produce a fairly new success (at the time) on broadway:
Songs for a New World by Jason Robert Brown. I went to see the show (less a musical and more a flowing collection of songs) to see some friends in it, not knowing what to expect. I fell in love. The lyrics, voices, staging were all soul stirring. I encourage anyone to take a listen here on Amazon. Jason Robert Brown has written several other great shows which I have not been able to listen to yet. I'm moving slowly toward discovering all of his work. I have no doubts I will love all of it though, because he has the musical and lyrical genius similar to Steven Sondheim. (In my humble opinion)
When I first went to see the show years ago in college, one song stuck out to me. There was something about the song that moved me. It made me cry, but that's not saying much. I'm a cryer. This morning in the shower I decided to listen to Songs for a New World and when it got to this song I realized that it still holds power for me. Only now I realize why. In college I thought I'd never have the stars and the moon. Now I realize that for the first time I'm letting someone give them to me. And even though he needs some time to figure out who he wants to be and what he wants to do, I know the stars and the moon will always be part of the deal.

Stars and the Moon

I met a man without a dollar to his name
Who had no traits of any value but his smile
I met a man who had no yearn or claim to fame
Who was content to let life pass him for a while
And I was sure that all I ever wanted
Was a life like the movie stars led
And he kissed me right here And said:
"I'll give you stars and the moon and a soul to guide you and a promise I'll never go

I'll give you hope to bring out all the life inside you and the strength that will help you grow.
I'll give you truth and a future that's twenty times better than any Hollywood plot."
And I thought, "You know, I'd rather have a yacht."

I met a man who lived his life out on the road
Who left a wife and kids in Portland on a whim
I met a man whose fire and passion always showed
Who asked if I could spare a week to ride with him
But I was sure that all I ever wanted Was a life that was scripted and planned
And he said, "But you don't understand -
"I'll give you stars and the moon and the open highway and a river beneath your feet

I'll give you days full of dreams if you travel my way and a summer you can't repeat.
I'll give you nights full of passion and days of adventure,no strings, just warm summer rain."
And I thought, "You know, I'd rather have champagne."

I met a man who had a fortune in the bank
Who had retired at age thirty, set for life.
I met a man and didn't know which stars to thank,
And then he asked one day if I would be his wife.
And I looked up, and all that I could think of
Was the life I had dreamt I would live
And I said to him: "What will you give?"
"I'll give you cars and a townhouse in Turtle Bay and a fur and a diamond ring

And we'll get married in Spain on my yacht today and we'll honeymoon in Beijing.
And you'll meet stars at the parties I throw at my villas in Nice and Paris in June."
And I thought, "Okay."

And I took a breath
And I got my yacht
And the years went by
And it never changed
And it never grew
And I never dreamed
And I woke one day
And I looked around
And I thought, "My God...I'll never have the moon."


ptg said...

I know what you mean...I know exactly what you mean.

Dirty Bunny said...

And maybe if he doesn't end up wanting forever, you'll at the very least have an exceptional friend for life.

Anonymous said...

The intellectual part of me realizes that you two have made a wise, reasoned, informed decision.

The emotional part of me finds this exceedingly sad.

The reality in the middle is a little of both, I suppose.