Subtitle: How My Pheramones Attract Ministers
Just when I think my life (the heavens, god, Allah, the cosmos, whatever the hell you believe in) is kicking my ass I am reminded of that all too appropriate song we are given by the Rolling Stones. The Security Boy and I broke up on Monday night. On Tuesday night, I had a date. Go Figure. I'm not going to sugar coat it, us breaking up SUCKED. Huge. There are just those little things everyday that I would want to call him about, but I am giving him his space because he requested it. For example(and moving on).......I got some good news the other day. I applied a while back to direct a play for a community theatre here. I got called on Thursday and they chose me! WOO! Come next spring I will be directing Plaza Suite by Neil Simon. I'm really excited to get going with it. I have already started reading the play and it's a good thing cause it's been about 6 years since I've read it.
Ok Ok Ok, enough about heartbreak and play directing...."Emily! THE DATE! TELL US ABOUT THE DATE FOR GOD'S SAKES!"
Last Sunday(when I still had a boyfriend) I was working at the winery and a guy mozied in that I didn't think too much of (as I was helping some other customers). When I was available, he came up and I probably said something really generic like "Can I get you started on a tasting?" because that's all I ever say at work. Well, that started a long conversation that lasted until closing. He was a Theology Master's Student at Berkeley. What was he doing in my neck of the woods? Checking out Gonzaga University's PhD program in ......uh, something or other (I was kind of distracted at this point in the conversation and worried about whether I had something in my teeth). We had a fun and interesting conversation and I remember feeling a big guilty because I was consciously flirting with this guy while my boyfriend was ignoring my phone calls. I told him that if he wanted to come back and get some wine, I would be there Tuesday night if he had questions about what he had tasted and he went on his merry way, and I went on mine. Fast forward to Tuesday night, I'm bored at the winery, reading a book and still stinging from the night before's emotionally draining events.....and who walks in? Theology Guy. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty excited to see him. I think I was surprised that he came back, I sort of assumed (like I usually do) that he would have either bagged it or come back on Monday to get whatever he needed. Now? Now I think he came back for both wine AND me:) Once again, we talked until I had to close and I (very bravely in my opinion) asked him if I could give him my email address to keep in touch. I was just thinking that I could have a fun, intelligent (and by the way good looking) pen pal in Cali. Well, apparently he had other ideas.....
Me: I hope this isn't too forward, but can I give you my email and maybe we can keep in touch when you get back home?
Theology Guy: Uh, yeah sure, but, you have plans for after you finish here?
Me: Actually, no I don't.
Theology Guy: Well, would you like to get a drink or something?
Me: Yeah, I would, that sounds great.
So, I closed up shop and off we went to a newish hip bar in town for what turned into 3 drinks and an AMAZING date.
I will totally admit here that I did feel a little guilty at one point, but DAMNIT! He broke up with me and I was having FUN. Theology Guy is hysterical and extremely intelligent and well read. Has a fabulous smile and flirts like a champion. It was a blast and by the way just the ego boost I needed right at that moment. At the end of our cocktail hour(s) he walked me to my car and when I leaned in for the hug I thought felt just about right..........Theology Guy leaned in for the kiss. And a good one. (and thank GOD) We kissed our little hearts out till I had a pang or two of guilt (which I should have ignored) and I politely excused myself with what I consider to be a fabulous line (you can judge for yourself): "I don't want to give away all my secrets right away". (I'll be accepting kudos via email) That night I went to sleep all giddy and woke up even higher. On Thursday night after about 2 days of exchanged text messages he called and we chatted.............for 3.5 hours! and what fun! I found out during this conversation many things among which is this: He works as a Student Minister. So there you have it folks....
A minister got me liquored up and tried to cop a feel.
And it was AWESOME.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
You Can't Always Get What You Want...
Thrown down by
8:06 PM
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For we all have fallen short of perfect.
-yes, good get-away line
-no, you shouldn't feel guilty but yes, it's totally understandable
-*slaps high-five* YOU GO GIRL!
Woot! Woot! Far out!
Both for the directing gig and the cool date!
You know how I feel about this. As long as he doesn't come in his pants from kissing or confess to his priest about you, I approve.
(And yes, those caveats are from personal experience.)
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