Ever have one of those nights where you definately have too much alcohol and the next morning you look at your caller ID and wonder who the hell you called last night? I just looked and this is what I saw:
*This Guy (who by the way finally admitted that we actually "dated")
*This friend from the winery
*Bar Boy (I left a message)
*The Girlfriend of a friend from High School (I called to tell her that the Mike's Hard Lime I was drinking reminded me of her and I drinking way too much of it a few Halloweens ago)
*An ex-boyfriend from college (who I actually called when I was SOBER earlier but then re-called while drunk)
*Number I don't recognize (later it turns out to be the roommate's boyfriend's irritating friend that drunk dials him too much. I was a drunken tool of revenge.)
I'm fairly entertained and slightly horrified at the random list that I assembled there, I gotta say.
Oh. And...
I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with hooch and more to do with hormones but this morning I cried at a Garth Brooks video on CMT. WTF?!
Just Sayin.
Yo momma says "Straighten your shit up and stop it."
I'll stop it when you can look me in the eye and tell me you never got loaded and said stupid crap.
If I jump off a bridge and break my neck are you going to do that too?
um is this a lesboinsestimaniac lovers tiff? cuz it sure sounds like one....
MT: I appreciate the concern, but jumping off a bridge is much different than drunk dialing and saying dumbass things to people. the wounds are all emotional with drunk dialing:) besides, I was at home, I didn't do any drunk driving or anything.
Nympho: just wait for the hair pulling.
A reprimand is a form of a hug. It just feels different.
I won't comment on the drunk phone calling. I will say that crying at Garth Brooks sounds like hormones to me. When mine go into overdrive I'll cry at commercials that show a nice sunny day. Go figure.
I'm not only known for drunk dialing, but now I'm known for drunk texting...WTF?!
oh PTG. I've done my fair share of drunk texting, believe you me.
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