Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I don't mind saying...

You're an Idiot.

I'm listening to the radio in my classroom right now down in Oregon because my class is doing an account opening "Role Play".
On this particular station they are doing an afternoon radio game called "Buzz Word". They ask the caller a bunch of questions and the answers all have the "buzz word" in it. Today's "buzz word" is 'WIND'.

The last answer was :

Gone with the Wind

This woman is stuck on this one:

"to go about recklessly, to ignore the possible consequences. Disregard what might happen and do it anyway."

She keeps guessing: "to go about wildly."

I'm going to let you all tell her what the answer is because apparently she's a total idiot. And I don't feel bad saying that.


Anonymous said...

All I can think of right now is "Pissing in the wind."

Hey, it's been a long day and I'm running on fumes. At least it has "wind" in it.

Einsteinium said...

Break wind?

HST said...

Laura: I know it's 3 hours later over there. You are forgiven and get points for using the word "wind" at least.

BEL: Sometimes I hate you. now is one of those times.

Melancholy Trollop said...

Throw caution to the wind

Einsteinium said...

Wait, wait, an even better one.

"After the Mariners winned the SuperBowl, lesbian mobs expressed their jubilation by doing topless cartwheels in the streets."

And don't worry: I know the more you hate me, the more you love me. ;-) Or at least that's how I justify my existence.

HST said...

MT: congrats, you're apparently related to me.

BEL: the more i hate you the more you love ME. I think you have it backwards.

Einsteinium said...

Well, at least the dog likes me. Er, likes/claws me.

HST said...

Laura: of course! I thought it was really intriguing too...i hope the people i tagged will do it as well.

BEL: she claws you BECAUSE she likes you.........hello?!