Laura at Can't Keep Quiet tagged me. I don't know whether I should be put out or feel really popular. I choose popular ;-)
1) Are you happy/satisfield with your blog and with its content and look?
For the most part, yes. I have tweaked a few things on here and I'm really proud that I have. Joe has been helping me quite a bit with code but some of the things I've changed I've done myself. I would like to learn more and be able to actually put together one of my own but I just don't have the time or patience for that right now.
2) Does your family know about your blog?
Yes. Many of them read it and on a daily basis
3) Do you feel embarassed to let your friends know about your blog or do you just consider it a private thing?
Many of my friends know about it. Although I will tell you that I definately pick and choose the people I tell. I would like to think that I am the same kind of person around everyone but the truth is that I write about some people on my blog that I don't really want to know.
4) Did blogs cause positive changes in your thoughts?
I guess that blogging has felt a little like therapy for a while. I also think I'm pretty damn funny so going back and reading my posts makes me happy.
5) Do you only open the blogs of those who comment on your blog or do you love to go and discover more yourself?
I've discovered some pretty cool blogs by surfing.
6) what does visitor counter mean to you? Do you care about putting it on your blog?
The honest truth is that I only look at my site meter to find out where people visit from and what they search for on google when they get me.
7) Did you try to imagine your fellow blogger and give them real pictures?
Sometimes I imagine what they look like. Although a lot of bloggers put at least parts of their faces online, so it gives you a face to the name.
8) Admit. Do you think there is a real benefit in blogging?
Yes, it may only benefit me but I don't care. I like feeling like I am not the only one out there and that there are people all over the world that appreciate me, even if we've never met. I appreciate them too.
9) Do you think that bloggers’ society is isolated from the real world or it interacts with events?
No matter what culture you're dealing with there are going to be hermits. I think that most bloggers are social though. It's just another way in which to socialize.
10) Does criticism annoy you or do you feel it’s a normal thing?
I'm assuming this is referring to criticism on my blog. I don't mind it, everyone has an opinion. Just so long as I can have an opinion back.
11) Do you fear some of the political blogs?
I write occasionally about political-ly things and I like to read blogs that cover certain political topics. I would be of course lying if I didn't say that I like political blogs that I agree with.
12) Were you shocked by the arrest of some bloggers?
They will find any reason to arrest you. I think that some of them deserved it. If you are using your blog to threaten or plot crimes, I think you should be stopped. Short of hurting other people? you should be able to say anything you want.
13) Do you think about what will happen to your blog after you die?
The other day I wondered who would post that I was gone since no one knows my password or anything. Perhaps my last post will just last F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
14) What do you like to hear? What song would you link to your blog?
A song on my blog reminds me of Myspace. It is irritating when the song they have on their pages blasts at you. I wouldn't mind however linking to some of my favorite songs in a post. Perhaps I'll think about that one....
Now, 5 people I’d like to see answer this?
My Mother the Melancholy Trollop
My Sister the American Nympho in England
My Brother the Boob Fanatic
Miss Lulu
The Dearest Juicy
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Thrown down by
4:37 PM
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Thanks for answering the tag. I rarely do them but this one looked interesting. I like finding out the different reasons people have for blogging.
I did it.
Job done... Come one and all and witness the rants of a damn eccentric brit!
I promise. I will do this! Just not now. Too tired.
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