What happened to dates anyway?!
My roommate and I made a disgusting discovery last night. Nobody around here goes on "dates". We're not sure if it's the fact that we live in the backwoods of Eastern Washington or because we don't live in a big enough metropolitan area or if we've just hit an age where that doesn't happen anymore or what, but nobody dates anymore. One of the wonderful things about being single is that you don't have to tell anyone where you're going (unless your roommate is a worrier and then it's polite to let her know you won't be home that night) and you can go out with anyone you want. You can kiss anyone you want. You could even sleep with anyone you want (not that any of you do that......well, maybe you partygirl ;-). The problem with being single (at least here in EWA) is that no one asks people out for "dates" anymore. It's as if people are just friends and then "hook up" or they have to be absolutely sure you are someone they want something serious with before they will ask you out. It's just a date people!!
With the exception of drinks with Theology Guy I cannot tell you another time that I was just asked on a "date". What do I mean by "date"? Well, someone asks you out and they take you out for dinner or drinks or a movie and there is some sort of closing action to the date. A hug, a kiss, a walk through the park, etc. No assumed commitment, no weirdness involved. Just Fun.
I like being single. I like going on dates.
Would I like being in a relationship? Sure. If it was the right person. Until then, I'm happy being single and going out with anyone I want. This puts me in an awkward position though. When a 20-something year old single person says things like "You know, I'd sure like to have someone in my life that I could go out with." most people respond by saying things like: "Oh trust me, enjoy being single. Once you're married it's a whole different ball game."
What makes you think that I want to get married?
I don't. Well not right now. I'm much too selfish to get married right now. There are way too many things I want to do and be un-tied down to do them.
I WOULD however like to go on "DATES"! Why does the correlation between going on "dates" and getting married always seem to crop up?! "Enjoying being single" is exactly what I want to do! But there are no "dates"! The fact remains that nobody goes on "dates" anymore and it makes me sad.
I am an attractive, intelligent, talented, humorous, caring, funny, fashionable woman. I want to go on "dates". I see a lack of men that are willing to take me on them. Moreover I see a lack of men willing to take lots of other A,I,T,H,C,F,F women on dates. This is not right.
What the hell happened to "Dates"?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I heard they got pinned
Thrown down by
5:01 PM
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I think you make some good points and it's a debate worthy topic. Mrs. Crazy English/Lit. teacher would be so proud. Maybe you could start a "dating club" with the criteria that you listed.
Isn't the whole point of going on dates to find someone worth settling down with?
Although I see your point and I do get what you're saying, maybe it's ther verbage that's the problem.
I get asked out for drinks, dinner, or whatever and then we just simply see where the night goes.
It either ends with, 'thanks,' but the message is clearly, I don't want to see you again.
And if they don't get that hint then I do the really mature move of avoiding them when they call, email, or show up at my door.
A kiss and a plan of seeing each other again and seeing where it leads us.
or with one of us on our back and our legs in the air.
But, I don't know that I've ever been asked out on a 'date.'
What I mean is, the word date being said in the asking, but it's clear that's what we are on, at some point in the night.
So, maybe it's just the verbage that has changed.
Cause, everything seems the same.
Drinks, dinner, drinks, kissing, sex, possible commitment, possibly not, he pays.
...yep, sounds like all of my dates.
MT~ yes she would be proud. If she even remembers me she's so crazy.
Mark~ well yes ideally but you have to go on dates first.
PartyGirl~ I definately agree with what you're saying. Maybe the point I was trying to make is that no one seems to be asking for "dates" or otherwise. NOthing of the sort happens around here...to me at least.
HST: I know I'm being OCD here but I can't take it anymore....definitely not definately. Sorry
MT~ it never looks right when I write it so I think I just settled on that spelling. Thank you for showing me the light.
Why didn't you teach me that when I was a kid?!! thanks now I look like an idiot.
Look on the bright side... I'm actually ENGLISH, but I'm crap at spelling... You at least have that whole "transatlantic" excuse going on!
I just don't think you're ready to get back out there, yet.
I think the men people sense this.
Dates, and lots of them, will be coming your way when the men people smell that you are. Cause that's what men people do, they smell our scent and need to get to know us. Sometimes in a carnal type way.
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