Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's all about P-O-P-U-L-A-R

Over the last few weeks I noticed that my site meter showed a fairly extreme increase in visits to my blog.

"SCORE!" I thought. "I am so becoming popular. Everyone wants to read my blog. Even though I don't post nearly as much as I used to, people are really enjoying the quality of my posts and checking back for more. I am SO awesome."

Then I looked at my site meter today and noticed something alarming...

Out of 43 visits today (rock!),

34 of them are links to
This Post.

80% of people found my blog today because they were searching for this picture from the movie Poltergeist.

And then I realized:


So much for POPULAR. *Sigh*


Melancholy Trollop said...

I swear I wrestle with the "popularity" demon myself always wanting someone to comment on my blogs with the idea that means I am worthwhile and valuable. But I believe you need to let it go and just write to express yourself wether it pleases others or not!

HST said...

Thanks for the pep talk mom..but seriously you missed the point. The point is I AM more popular but ONLY because I posted a freakish halloweeny picture.

Einsteinium said...

to paraphrase:

hst: "I'm so popular I'm so awesome. Oh wait, it's just Halloween. But at least my mom reads my blog"

Well, I still think you're cool, halloweenie or not.

Party Girl said...

Yeah, I noticed after the posting of my last boob pic, "save boobs" tnat my numbers went, Whoa, Nelly! Coincidence? I think not.

Don't worry, I still like ya.

Melancholy Trollop said...

Write a new blog entry and move this walking piece of dead meat out of the way.

HST said...

holy cow. the natives are restless...yeesh