I spent the night in the Emergency Room last night. No no, it's not what you think. I didn't stay there like sleep there; I sat next to my roommate last night at the ER. At about Midnight she woke up with the worst sore throat ever and she could barely swallow anything. I think she was dehydrated from a day of not being able to swallow even water and she was sort of delirious and scared. She had HUGE ass tonsils and gross crap all over them so off the the ER we went. It was the night to end all nights for emergencies. EVERYONE in eastern washington was in this ER I swear to god. The minute after we walked in we see a guy with a mask on (to keep something in or out I have no idea), a little girl holding her stomach and bawling and a woman in a wheelchair that the roomie thought was a dude. If that wasn't enough excitement this teenager came careening past us into the ER with a man that I assume was her dad holding a bowl that she's puking blood into. BLOOD. Another person's blood I saw last night.
Don't be jealous, really.
I took up my place in the little hospital chair next to her bed and waited while she writhed in pain, the doctors took their sweet ass time (I actually saw a nurse GOOGLE something at one point. GOOGLE?!) and people in the other "rooms" (separated by curtains) talked about "oh that's nasty shit, I had that shit once I couldn't piss for like a week!". The entertaining highlight of the evening was our nurse, Joe. He had good stories. My favorite was a little New Year's Eve tale about a hooker that was beat to hell by her pimp and went to the ER. He was flushing her IV with saline and said "ok, it may taste a little salty in your mouth when I do this" and she replies with "oh, I'm used to that, hell!".
Pure Eastern Washington Class.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Emergency Room = Extreme Irritation
Thrown down by
8:58 PM
Ways to describe this drivel: Blood, Emergency Room, Google
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The ER is the worst place in the universe except maybe an alley in Calcutta. First of all I am always amazed at how sssllllooooowwww they are. Emergency my ass. Okay, I will admit that once they decided I really WAS dying they sped up super fast.
That's a great whore story. I gotta remember that one for the next time I get a saline flush in my IV. I'll lisp a little when I use that line for full effect.
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