Thursday, February 01, 2007

Corporate Culture on the Skids

I'm sure that most good business leaders would agree that it pays to help coach and cultivate your people. Not only does it benefit your business by having capable knowledgeable people but it also helps to grow your employee into a leader themselves and any good leader should want that for their employee. I just finished a 20 minute conversation with one of my participants taking a New Accounts class and I feel completely disheartened. He has been in training almost completely solid for the last MONTH. He started with our company about 2 months ago. He has had almost zero time to practice the skills he's had in each of his classes because the classes are back to back. He told me during this conversation that "just between you and me, when I ask a question I usually hear 'don't ask me again you already asked me twice'." This makes me very sad. The topper to this conversation was him informing me that he received an email from his manager saying "when you get back from training we need you to be ready to go, so make sure you're up to speed on everything".

How's that for coaching and cultivating your employees?


Melancholy Trollop said...

Management is usually another word for "I gave my soul to the Devil".

Party Girl said...

Jesus. I've heard of sink or swim training policies, but my god.

Oh, and melancholy: this is how I refer to my corp. America days: My soul sucking years.