Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why I get accosted on planes, and other tidbits of debauchery

I haven't posted in a while. Well not with anything worth while. I'm at work right now, blogging, while I should be downstairs in my classroom preparing for my participants to show up to class. That's not going to happen, the blogging will.

When I was in California 2 weeks ago I picked up a book that I have to say has expressed exactly how I feel through most of it.

The very fact that I found it in the same bookstore that carries this book kind of amuses me:
Girl With A One Track Mind is a blog written by Abby Lee. She is amazing. She is a complete sex fiend and does not care what anybody thinks or says about that. I am inspired. Her book is her first year of blog posts put into book form.
I began reading the book in the airport and then on the plane home from california. It was a two leg flight and on the flight to the first destination there was a guy across the aisle who saw the book and apparently couldn't believe his eyes:
"Ok, Is that like a biography? An autobiography? Is it fiction? Non-Fiction? I'm just wondering."
"It's a blogger that has put her posts into a book, so....."
"Ok, but is it fiction? non-fiction? is it true?" (Obviously has no EFFING clue what a blog is)
"It's Non-Fiction."
"Oh, wow." (Gives me a creepy awkward smile)
About 10 minutes passes as he keeps glancing over at me and my book
I finally look up at him
"Ok, I just gotta ask, where do you get a book like that?"
"The book store." (has this guy never EVER seen the "sexuality" or "relationships" section of Barnes and Noble?)
"Oh, wow."
He continues to keep glancing at me in a slightly creepy way and then I finally just say:
"Did you want to borrow this? I mean go ahead. I have another book with me and you're more than welcome to read this till we land."
"Oh, no that's cool, I mean the last book I read was Tom Sawyer." (Obviously wants to look like a big shot sex god but cannot even accept a book about it to read from a woman he doesn't even know)
"Oh Honey, this is NOTHING like Tom Sawyer."
And that was the end of that.

I finished this book last night and was completely inspired and put at ease. In her first year of blogging she went through almost the exact situation I went through recently with this guy (which I still do not understand but will have to just let go). I still think about him and miss him sometimes. He's so great, and we had such an amazing connection it's hard to not think of him when something would make him laugh or start a great conversation. But I am trying to be fair to myself. I would find it very hard to keep talking to him a lot, and besides he's not calling me all the time anymore either....
In the meantime I have been on a few dates and I must say that although not all of them were amazing or anything there were a few that were pretty great. 3 dates with the same guy now although I don't think it's going anywhere serious and I'm ok with that. Having someone to spend time with and watch movies with and smooch on is nice. I haven't even had sex with him yet! AMAZING!!! We have discussed the fact that he is into a fair amount of kink and I'm willing to explore it so I think the next few dates could be very interesting and there could be spanking involved (me spanking him, not the other way around.)
I don't think I have much else to say except that I went out dancing on Saturday night with some friends (among whom I am the only single one) and had a BLAST. Stayed up way too late, talked about lots of sex and ended up getting randomly danced with by a really CUTE guy holding a beer. If I hadn't been surrounded by my "voice of reason" friend I would have hauled off and put my tongue in his mouth, but I'm not quite there yet with these people.
Give it time folks, Give it time.


lillipilli said...

That guy on the plane, how funny...he must live under a rock.

ptg said...

the guy's a jackass.

but, tell us more now that you've been tagged. :o) 8 Random things, please!!