Monday, February 27, 2006

Let's get down to real business.....

I'm eating these right now.

They are delicious.
They are also in a very disturbing wrapper of a human with a mouth on his belly screaming at a poptart: "GET IN MY BELLY!". He looks psycho too. I would take a picture if I had my camera, but I don't so you're stuck with the frightening mental image.

To see more of this freakish advertising ploy you can go to: The Poptarts Website, yes they have a website, it's not right.


Joe said...

Those are delicious. I was jealous of you until you rolled with that whole Fat Bastard Pop Tart glutton thing.

Dirty Bunny said...

I like the hot fudge sundae and the strawberry milkshake ones. "My milkshake brings all the boys..." Or whatever. I have to go to work now. ick.

Melancholy Trollop said...

When did Mike Meyers start working for PopTarts? Or should I say " Fat Bastard"?

Lulu said...

I prefer the Frosted Cherry. Yum. Poptarts make me happy.

You know what else makes me happy? Two and a half hours of gyrating Bon Jovi.

Mark said...

I had those last week. All I can say is they were nasty. That doesn't even really describe how much I hated them, but I'm trying to be nice here.

I'm with Lulu, I like the Frosted Cherry. I also like Strawberry and Blueberry.