Monday, April 10, 2006

Craig, I love your list

So, remember this post?

and this one?

Ok, so I finally put the tickets up for sale on Craig's List. And I might even have a buyer already! The extra bonus is that I might get *almost* as much as I paid for them, which not only makes me feel good that I don't have to look at them anymore (and be sad) but I can pay off one of my credit cards, woot!

Yeah for Craig's List.


Melancholy Trollop said...
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HST said...

Hi Franklin,

I would appreciate if you'd never comment again. Thanks.

dannydontgo said...

Yeah dude, you fuckbeak

Will said...

That's the weirdest thing I've ever read on Blogger. That dude must go to Duke.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about craigslist is the personals, especially on craigslist DC.

"Wanted: mature conservative woman to dominate me and talk about Reagan..."