I met a guy at a bar on Saturday night. We'll call him.....Bar Boy. He walked through the crowded dance floor while I was dancing and made eye contact, smiled and continued on. The way he looked at me suggested either extreme flirtation or that he knew me. I am never one to assume extreme flirtation (unless it's obvious like in THIS situation) and he did look familiar so I kept looking at him trying to figure out if he was this guy I knew in college. Said "guy I knew in college" had since moved to California and gotten married, so naturally I was really interested to see if it was him and why he was home, etc, etc....
I walked over to him as we were getting ready to leave and our exchange went something like this:
Me: Do we know each other? You look really familiar. (DO NOT laugh at that line, I meant it honestly)
Bar Boy: No, but I'd love to know you now.
Me: *Silence*
Bar Boy: *yelling in my ear over the band* How does a beautiful woman like you get away from all the guys in here?
Me: It's easier than you think, really.
Bar Boy: Can I clone you? So I can keep you with me all the time?
Me: Well you can try it, but I don't think it would work. Good luck though.
Bar Boy: I've been looking for a nice girl like you for a year and a half now.
Me: *Silence* thinking: "How do you know I'm a nice girl, you don't even know me...."
Bar Boy: Will you call me?
Me: How about YOU call me?
So the numbers were exchanged and then proceeded an interesting evening of text messages involving:
Me: Still remember my name?
BB: Yes
Me: What is it?
BB: Sweetheart
Me: Nice try Bar Boy, keep guessing.
BB: Help me out please...
Forget that, I go to bed. Sunday morning, more texts:
Me: It's HST and I bet you really don't remember me now.
BB: Of course I remember, how could I not............
The small talk via text message continued through Sunday and onto Monday when I received this charming little present:
BB: I want to apologize for anything embarassing I said on Saturday night.
Me: You did say you wanted to clone me, but I don't know if you consider that to be embarassing.
BB: That's cause you might be the perfect woman!
Me: That's ridiculous. You don't even know me.
BB: I said MIGHT be.
Me: Covering all your bases, very sneaky.
BB: I'm all over that.
Me: I get the impression you're quite the player.
BB: What makes you say that?
Me: Let me see, a guy that can't remember my name, will text but won't call and says I might be the perfect woman after 5 minutes of talking...Makes a girl wonder.
BB: I'd love to talk on the phone or in person. I don't want you to wonder, I'll tell you anything
Me: Great. When can I expect your call?
BB: Just tell me when is convenient for you and I'll call then.
This was a test. He passed. He actually did call and after talking with him I don't think he's a player. He seems very nice actually, if a little bit nerdy. Nothing wrong with nerdy though, right?
*Ok, whatever. What I really wanted to say was "How old is too old?" but I didn't want to sound like one of those girls.
Ooh, I like that opening line. It's a shame I'll never get a chance to use it.
Age is less about a number and more about compatability. I think that if you like him and he respects you, it's fine. Play it by ear.
dude, go out with him if he asks and don't think about the age thing and a few dates in see if that's still the worst thing about him.
Let's see, a friend of mine ended up marrying a man 12 years older than her. Her father had married a woman 5 years older than him.
Personally, if you were marrying a 93 year old multi-millionaire I'd have to say "HST, That is too old!"
Eh, go with the flow - my first husband was 8 years older than I am, hubby now is just a few years older than I am...so it all depends on how you get along!
See where it goes. I vote 20 years is too old. ;o)
I second Lulu... Lets face it... I'm way older (ok...only 6 years) than my dear lady wife, but you'd never know it when we're together becasue we're both the same age inside (and in our case it's about 12 or something!).
Give it a go and see where it ends up!
You're all so smart. But he hasn't asked me out so the good news is it doesn't matter unless he does! HA!
Good grief, it's NOT the age difference it's his dialog I'm having a hard time with. Do not waste another moment waiting for the phone to jingle or text from lame-o.
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